Greetings to you,
First Lady Sharon Peoples and I, are so thankful for all the Ministry Partners with Agape Christian Fellowship. We are grateful for their unwavering love, prayers, and financial support.
I am personally asking you to consider joining us as a Ministry Partner! Upon your Partnership with this ministry, we will send you a beautiful embossed boardroom writing pen as a way of saying welcome aboard.
Your monthly financial support makes it possible for us to share God’s unconditional love through our community outreach ministry, prison ministry, and world evangelism. Thank you for Partnering and giving to Agape Christian Fellowship.
To Know Him,
Pastor James L. Peoples
Lead Pastor
Agape Christian Fellowship
P.O. Box 5702
Augusta, Georgia 30916
“Text To Give”
Agape Christian Fellowship is pleased to announce a convenient new way to make your regular offering with our new electronic giving program. You can easily set up a recurring giving schedule so our church will continue to receive your contribution on an uninterrupted basis. To become an electronic giver, visit the church website or contact one of the pastors. To become a mobile text giver, send a text to 706-685-6540 and put $ before the amount you wish to give (ex.$25.00) a reply text comes immediately for you to complete. If you have any difficulties or questions, contact Pastor James Peoples at 706-533-8812.